FROM The White House • December 30, 2019 TOP 10: President Trump’s biggest accomplishments of 2019! Americans saw plenty of Washington at its worst this year, with one party in Congress obsessed with a partisan impeachment stunt and obstructing…
Monthly Archives: December 2019
It’s Peace and Prosperity Stupid ™ – 3/4ths of American voters approve of the economy under President Trump. In a CNN poll this week, 76% say the economy is very good or “just plain” good. A stunning 60% of large and small business owners in a CNBC Poll say they approve of President Trump’s Job Performance which is an “All Time High.” – Trump’s Kitchen Table Talking Points for the New Year
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Ten Reasons that 3/4ths of American voters approve of the economy under President Trump. In a CNN poll this week, 76% say the economy is very good or “just plain” good. A stunning 60% of large and small business owners…