FROM The White House • December 30, 2019 TOP 10: President Trump’s biggest accomplishments of 2019! Americans saw plenty of Washington at its worst this year, with one party in Congress obsessed with a partisan impeachment stunt and obstructing…
Donald Trump President Democrat New York
Is Rob Reiner a Racist ? Is Vicente Fox a Racist ? Americans TIRED of Left Wing’s Racial Slurs
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Recently Rob Reiner and Vicente Fox called a large minority of Americans Racist. They use the word racist to describe people who support the New York Billionaire Donald Trump. Maybe Reiner and Fox are confused? Maybe they do no research? …
Ebola and the Refugee Problem – Ebola cost Harry Reed his job and the Refugee Problem will cost Hillary Clinton the Election
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Ebola and the Refugee Problem – Ebola cost Harry Reed his job and the Refugee Problem will cost Hillary Clinton the Election The refugee problem and terrorists blowing up Paris will cost Hillary her job and will put Trump or…
Trump Takes 25% of African American Vote in Secret Poll
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Trump Takes 25% of African-American Vote in Secret Poll A SurveyUSA poll released Friday shows in a hypothetical matchup with Trump ahead 45% to 40% of the Democratic frontrunner who is riddled with scandle regarding the use of top secret…
Conservative Labor Association Endorses Trump
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Because of Donald Trump and his leadership on Fair Trade and Fair National Economic Policy, The Conservative Labor Association and Coalition endorses Trump for Republican Nomination for President. The National Leader of the Coalition said, “This is the first time…
Trump Ejects Belligerent and Confused Jorge Ramos – Victims Rights Outweigh Illegal Immigration
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Trump throws out Jorge Ramos from press conference for cutting in front of other reporters and attempting to grandstand the Trump Q & A. Trump and Security were forced to eject Ramos for his rude and childish behavior. Further, Trump answered…
Governor Kasich and Trump Win Debate – Obama Hillary and Christie are the Big Losers
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Governor Kasich of Ohio is the clear winner of the first debate where he will garner more support and attention for his working family platform. Because the U-6 Unemployment in the US is still at its worst level in 100 years with…
Trump Polling well with Conservative Democrats Women and Republicans
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Donald Trump has surprised Washington insiders but polling well with middle-class families and women from the Mid Atlantic and New England. Conservative Democrats are amazed that people are defecting from Hillary for the Donald because of his support for…