
The Confederate Flag – The Democrats Sad History with Slavery – Time to Apologize & Remove It.

The Democrat Party officials who endorsed the confederate flag are now surrendering the fight and allowing the flag to be removed from government property.   Historically, the Democrats sanctioned slavery and started the Civil war. Lincoln and the Republicans abolished slavery.  150 Years later, Republicans and Conservatives…

Hillary Clinton vs. Martin O’Malley

Electability Factors to Consider:   Viability – Age – Competence Conservative Democrat Values Poll Negatives under 50% Tied to Obama? Will this be the Kiss of Death? Tied to problems with Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt etc.? Tied to Urban…

Wages Down 23 Percent Since 2009

A Reuters article has stated that employees are making almost 25 percent less than in 2007. See: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/11/us-usa-mayors-jobs-idUSKBN0GB1T920140811